Monday, April 29, 2013

C4T summary

C4T # 4 

4/14/13 - The teacher I was assigned to comment on was Mrs. Greta Sandler. Her blog is entitled "About a Teacher." She updates her blog monthly, but her last post was during October of 2011.

The first post of hers that I read was entitled "Finding My Voice." Mrs. Sandler talked about how when she was a little girl she loved to write. She savored each and every opportunity she had to write. Her Great Uncle is a poet and once wrote a poem with her. She would share her writings with him.

As the years passed by, she went through some rough times and unfortunately lost her inner voice and her love for writing. She tried and tried to regain this love, but she was at loss for words. She developed writer's block for several years.

When she became older and more connected with her passions of teaching and technology the writer inside seemed to wake up. She felt the words swirling in her heart and head. She signed up for a WordPress account and still couldn't write. Although something was changing, she still couldn't find a way to get the words out.

Through her involvement with her PLN, she began commenting on blogs and found herself taking a long time to come up with the words for a comment. A message from her friend, Pernille Ripp, eventually allowed her to regain her voice as she was presented with an opportunity that she was humbled and honored with. Her words began to flow like magic.

My comment:
Writing has always been a passion of mine. It seems to be a talent I have. In high school, some of my writing was published in anthology books. I am glad you found a way to rekindle an interest in writing. I've always had trouble expressing myself verbally, but when I put pen to paper it's like taking on a completely different identity. I decided to major in Elementary Education, but I kept my passion for writing by choosing to minor in English. I enjoyed reading your post.

4/28/13- In her next post entitled "Kids Motivating Other Kids to Blog!", Mrs. Sandler discusses a special event she held during which she invited her group from the previous year to come in and share their blogging adventure with her students. She found that each student was highly engaged in conversation and was amazed at how everyone wanted to participate by asking or answering questions. She carefully selected a few quotes from a video which shows how much blogging means to them and how important it is for students to learn about new things they are passionate about. Some of the quotes include accounts of how a student received a comment from an uncle who lives in Spain. Another quote describes a map that was created to record each location a comment was received from. The map was filled with various colors all over the world. Mrs. Sandler was astonished with the results and reactions she received from her students. She is well pleased with their encouragement to learn and is excited to blog herself

My comment:
I liked your blog post about kids helping kids. I think it is a great idea. Kids can learn a lot from other kids who have been in their shoes. The kids can form a connection with someone who sees things on their level and learn from that very experience.

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