It is quite evident that Miller spent a lot of time putting these videos together. He is focused on getting his message/point across, and he does so in an effective way.Technology is always adapting ,and we as educators will be expected to adapt with it. The curriculum is migrating toward being completely technology based. In my opinion, the saying "pencil and paper learning is a thing of the past" is even getting a little behind. I make this statement considering that different means of technology which we used in the past have been replaced with newer versions.
The scary part is not simply writing with multimedia, but rather it is the idea that our future students will be depending on us to show them the way. The outcome of how our students learn depends on how prepared we are. Writing with multimedia is based on staying up with the progress.
2. Carly's blog post #12 is defiantly not short of details. It is evident through her blog and the work she does as an EDM 310 lab assistant that she is a dedicated hard worker. Her videos add a different perspective to the blog. I agree with her statement that good teachers teach by example. I agree that she comes close to Dr. Miller's guide. I like how she examines the idea of inspiration and how she explores where are inspiration comes from.
3. The first student video, The Chipper Series, is unique. Although these ideas do not apply to me personally, I've crossed paths with students like Chipper. For the past couple of weeks, I have been assigned a classmate for C4C who has not kept up with their blog posts. Many EDM 310 students believe these assignments are just busy work. I'll admit that in the beginning I myself second guessed the purpose of some of the assignments. As the class has progressed I've found myself learning new things in unexpected ways. I prefer to be an independent learner. I believe that once we enter the teaching field we will unexpectedly find ourselves looking back on the knowledge we gained from EDM 310.
EDM for Dummies is a good tool to be provided as the semester begins. It gives students a preview of what type of class they are walking into. Along with my classmates, I was not overjoyed to be taking EDM 310, but I have found a way to work with the flow. The class is quite time consuming. You must be dedicated to learning and getting your work done to excel in this class. Once you have discovered the system that works for you, it is important to stick to it. If you maintain your system, you will do just fine in EDM. I was unable to send @jamielynn519 a tweet because the twitter account was not found.
4. The most striking thing in the Learn to Change, Change to Learn video is that the U.S. Department of Commerce ranked 55 industry sectors and education was ranked last at number 55. Coal mining was even ranked above education. Technology is no longer a choice in our society. we can try to get around it in whatever way possible, but in the end we must learn to accept it. Technology is an excellent learning tool for students. and teachers alike. Technology serves many purposes and can connect us to new opportunities that otherwise would have gone undiscovered. Twitter is an example of a source that we must learn to use as an educational tool. Before this class I agreed with most everybody that it was just a social site that informed you of what everybody was eating at the time.I didn't see a purpose to follow everyone's every move. Through my experience with Twitter, I now see that it is a great means of connecting with others that you can learn from.
5. Scavenger Hunt 2.0
You are to locate 3 of the 5 items on the list and follow the instructions.
1. Locate a tool that is similar to Twitter/Facebook and provides a social platform for teachers, parents, and students. Create an account as a Teacher and write a paragraph or two about how you could use this site in your classroom.
2. Locate the tool most likely used to create this presentation. Once you find this site, look at the top right and click Pricing. Write a paragraph about the nice deal they make for students/teachers.
3. Find a tool to make your own comic strip. Create a comic. Post a Picture of it to your blog.
4. Find a video tool that you have never used. Summarize some of it's special features.
5. Find a tool to create a poll anywhere and at anytime. Create your first poll and post it to your blog.
1. When I searched for this tool I found a site known as Sophia. This site is described as a combination of Facebook, YouTube, and Google Docs. The teachers can create groups for the students, organize units/lessons, and even create tutorials. I would use this tool to create groups for my students so they could interact with each other and access lessons in an online forum type atmosphere. I would also use this tool to create tutorials for my students when needed.
2. I discovered a presentation tool known as ZoomIt. It is a screen zoom and annotation tool used for technical presentations. This tool will not only zoom in on the screen but will also movement once the screen is zoomed in on. You can also draw on the zoomed in image. ZoomIt works on all versions of Windows and pen input can be used for drawing on tablet PCs. This tool was recently created in early February and is a free download.
3. The tool I found is called Strip Generator. I think this would be good to use for a few projects in the classroom, but I don't see myself using it a lot. I like that you can create the comics in other languages besides English.
4. The video tool I found is known as Tube Chop. This a unique tool because it allows you to easily chop a funny or interesting part from any YouTube video and then share it. You simply type in a keyword or enter a YouTube URL, select and cut the interesting part, and share with friends.
5. Poll Everywhere is an easy site to use to create a survey anytime or anywhere. It's a fast an easy tool to use.
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" I was unable to send @jamielynn519 a tweet because the twitter account was not found.' I need to correct that. She is now Mrs. Miller who teaches English at Baldwin County High. You may have read posts by her students.
ReplyDeleteThorough, thoughtful, well done!